/   Basil Labib


Inspired by Patrick Collison’s luscious bookshelf, this page is the list of books I have read in the current year (whichever year you are reading it). Most of these are plucked from other people’s recommendation lists, popular choices, stuff I find interesting or just a random topic I want to learn about on a Saturday evening. Suggestions? Drop me a line!

I read somewhere (probably in an Umberto Eco article) that one can understand a man by going through his bookshelf. In any case, this is my bookshelf and I leave you to judge me at my worth. Happy browsing!

  1. My year in books: 2020
  2. My year in books: 2021
  3. My year in books: 2022
  4. My year in books: 2023

Currently Reading

  1. The Burden of Democracy
  2. Everybody Loves a Good Drought
  3. Children of Dune (Dune #3)
  4. Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality
  5. From AI to Zombies
  6. Understanding Power


  1. Dune | Frank Herbert
    Probably my favourite science-fiction saga so far. I’ll write more about it when I finish the other books.
  2. Dune Messiah | Frank Herbert

  3. Mossad | Michael Bar-Zohar and Nissim Mishal

  4. India Unbound | Gurcharan Das

    Undoubtedly, this is a book which has fired a lot of imagination and thought in me. India Unbound is a socio-political and economic analysis of India from Independence to the 2000s, written in a semi-memoir-like style by a liberal. This is exactly what I was looking for in terms of depth of analysis which is well suited to a beginner layman. I can now say I have decent historical context to analyse future reports and events in India. I can philosophise a lot after reading this book but I’ll stop myself and wait till I have seen my India. A quarter of a century is a generation and a long time for India to come-of-age. In some distant future, I wish to see India as it exists today and record what this miraculous nation is upto since the 2000s. And yet, somewhere deep down I’m afraid that I romanticise much.

    Maybe it is not as rosy as it seems. For as I keep pondering Gurcharan’s words, I realised how bound we are to our uncontrollable fates being somehow thrown into the world and asked to make sense of it (and honestly, not a lot of us have the mental awareness to seek out the “moral and spiritual platform” to view themselves and the world around them and are happy to learn, earn, and die). I mean the individual aspirations of one person may not be enough to steer a country to greatness (because these are macroscopic emergent properties) or it might not be achievable in their lifetime. Is it then still worth it? To follow a passion so dearly as to gamble everything else?

    I was born a decade after the economic reforms into a India which spoke of television and Coca-Colas and grew up in relative connectedness to the world through the Internet, listening to Radiohead and U2. And yet, my India is not the complete picture. It is like looking at the picture through a narrow slit. I yearn to see the picture. Maybe some day I will.

    There are 2 sequels to this book on the broader themes of Dharma (Morality) and Kama (Desire) while this one dealt with Artha (Wealth). I’ll probably skip those for now and come back to them later.


Anything read more than 5% but less than 100% is noted here. I have to keep a running tab of how reckless I am with my books. sigh.

  1. Cyberpunk: Science Fiction Anthology | Edited: Victoria Blake

  2. Sex At Dawn | Christopher Ryan and Cacilda Jetha

  3. The art of manipulation | R. B. Sparkman

  4. 101 Essays That Will Change The Way You Think | Brianna Wiest

  5. A Creative Approach To Music Fundamentals | William Duckworth

  6. Beautiful Code | Edited: Andy Oram and Greg Wilson

  7. Man’s Search For Meaning | Viktor Frankl

  8. How not to be wrong | Jordan Ellenberg

  9. Coding the matrix: Linear Algebra for Computer Science Applications | Philip Klein

  10. Checklist Manifesto | Atul Gawande

  11. The Art of Game Design | Jesse Schell

  12. Zen and The Art of Motorcycle Maintainence | Robert M. Pirsig

  13. The man who knew infinity | Robert Kanigel

  14. Poems on Love and Other Difficulties | Rainer Maria Rilke

  15. The art of electronics | Paul Horowitz and Winfield Hill

  16. Crafting Interpreters | Robert Nystrom

  17. The 4 Hour Body | Tim Ferriss

  18. Permutation City | Greg Egan

  19. The Brothers Karamazov | Fyodor Dostoevsky

  20. In the Footsteps of the Prophet | Tariq Ramadan

  21. Infinite Powers | Steven Strogatz

  22. Broken Ladders | Anirudh Krishna