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Migrating From Jekyll to Hugo

June 21, 2021

This is a quick note for the convenience of the readers.

With a heave of pleasant sigh, I can inform you all that I am migrating from jekyll to hugo. Finally.

The only hindrance (so to speak) was the choice of a decent theme which, as you can see, has been accomplished. Hugo has a ton of features and conveniences that I would be foolish to not take advantage of. Archetypes, built-in shortcodes, KaTeX typesetting, taxonomies beside being so fast! I love Hugo. 💜

Old Blog (Jekyll) Home Page

Old Blog (Jekyll) Home Page

New Blog (Hugo) Home Page

New Blog (Hugo) Home Page

A word of caution 💀

It is quite obvious, migration is neither a quick nor an exciting task. This will take time. I plan to complete it in parts over multiple days. So don’t freak out if some link is broken or you find “gibberish text” written midway through a post. And, I am looking into alternatives to Disqus.

To infinity and beyond. 🚀

Basil | @itbwtsh

Tech, Science, Design, Economics, Finance, and Books.
Basil blogs about complex topics in simple words.
This blog is his passion project.