A rather crazy self-imposed project which I had the faintest of ideas will become all-devouring and pose countless hurdles for me to dodge. But yeah, did it. Don’t blame me for the CT making ethereal noises!

From left to right: Treasure, Stars and Topsoil and Heaven or Las Vegas (all CDs)
Why do I have to buy music?
In a nutshell, because I want to. But seriously, why in a world of Spotify and pirated downloadable songs would I have the brilliant idea to buy music?
As I said, because I wanted to. And really can you ever aspire to reason with a human who is blinded by desire? So that’s that. I wanted to pay my tribute to the most fascinating thing I have discovered this year. I wanted to pay my respect to the band which gave me my first ever taste of stardom. And let’s be frank, somewhere deep down I wanted to believe I’m cool (cause human vanity after all).
Moreover, I wanted to prove myself. To whom? Myself? Nah. To my parents. I wanted to show them that I am capable of earning money and spending it on stuff I desire. I wanted them to know that I can be free. I wanted to make a statement. I want them to let me be myself.
A Disturbing Bug in my head
The culmination of so many days’ of hardwork, research and passion finally paid off. Acquiring these CDs had become more than an obsession/desire for me. It became my emotion.
I have absolutely no idea how I ended up being so ignorant as to what my target is and what I’m doing. But then I guess, this is what being a human is like. Imagine all those big shots and important people failing their responsibilities and then eventually who suffers?
Apart from that side rant that was disturbing me for sometime now, I feel accomplished in a small way.
I financed the whole endeavor on my own from the compensation I got for my gig work for Topcoder.
What did I buy?
To be extremely honest, the idea to buy a CT CD came to me after I listened to HOLV. And it was just one CD. What could eventually go wrong? I thought to myself. But with some contribution from human desire coupled with marketing techniques exercised by Norman and my own vanity, I ended up ordering 3 CDs - Heaven or Las Vegas(1990), Treasure(1984) and Stars and Topsoil (Compilation). All three CDs are, of course, masterpieces. And I love them!

Is one click ever enough?

Inside of Treasure
Where did I buy from?
I wasted quite sometime in vain during the initial days of the undertaking to convince myself that I can find a CT album here in the music shops of Kolkata. My supposition may have been correct say 20 years ago but today only remnants remain of this bizarre craze I have happened to nurture. For second, Music World burned down in an accident in 2010. I regret that. I ordered my CDs on October 26, 2020 and they arrived on November 27th, 2020.
My learning out of this experience was this: If you want something, spend money for it. There is absolutely no compromise for authenticity and quality.
What next?
I haven’t torn the seals of HOLV and Stars yet. I think they are too precious and are thus better off being untouched and pure. (😅 Weird) So, yea, anything we desire remains an obsession only until we haven’t owned it. Strange, this human nature really.
I plan to buy Blue Bell Knoll and am eyeing the 4 CD Treasure Hiding boxset for next year.
It sure has been a hell of a ride and I enjoyed every bit of it!
Basil | @itbwtsh
Tech, Science, Design, Economics, Finance, and Books.
Basil blogs about complex topics in simple words.
This blog is his passion project.